Contact Form
You can contact us via telephone or with the contact form below.
Please note that we may not be able to respond to some of your inquiries or may take a while to respond based on your inquiry.
We will treat your personal information with the strictest confidence based on the relevant laws as well as our company's policy on handling personal information.
For more information, read our policy on the handling of personal information.
Phone number
- 03-6263-0777
- 【Operating hours】 Weekdays 9:30~18:30 We are closed on weekends, public holidays and during the New Year period.
Contact Form
Handling of Personal Information
We will comply with laws and regulations concerning personal information. We will do everything possible to protect your personal information. In order to handle your personal information properly, we will follow our internal regulations and internal control system, educate employees and take necessary measures to prevent actions such as unauthorized access, data loss and/or destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information. Furthermore, we will endeavor to protect personal information by continuing to review the above measures.
Please check the box below and submit the form after acknowledging the above policy on the handling of personal information. The personal information we obtain from you will be used for recruitment purposes only and will not be used for any other purposes. We will ensure that there is no leakage, loss, tampering or unauthorized use of your information.